Natural climate solutions help capture and store carbon.

Let's do more of it.


We provide consulting services for organizations and businesses working to advance natural climate solutions.

Conserving and restoring grasslands and forests are key to achieving climate goals.

Plants and trees have a superpower – photosynthesis – that enable them to pull carbon dioxide from the air and store it in soils.

Research shows that natural climate solutions (conserving, restoring and improving land management) can mitigate 21% of net U.S. emissions, an amount equal to all pollution from all cars and light duty trucks in the U.S. They provide co-benefits like clean air and water, soil health and fertility, flood storage and wildlife habitat.

Pam Porter is Founder and President of P Squared Group. She has 35 years of expertise spearheading agriculture, forestry and climate initiatives at state, regional and national levels.  She has held public and private sector leadership positions including as Policy Advisor for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Senior Manager for Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle, Special Assistant to State Superintendent Elizabeth Burmaster and Executive Assistant to Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk. Prior to that she served as Executive Director for Clean Wisconsin, an environmental non-profit organization and as Product Development Director for Agrecol Corporation, the Midwest’s largest producer of native plants and seeds.

Pam holds a M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Wisconsin Madison, on the management of switchgrass, a native perennial grass.

Credit: Finn Ryan

Credit: Kevin Sink