Our Work

  • Agrecol Corporation. Assist (Midwest’s largest producer of native plants and seeds) with government relations, outreach and marketing efforts.
  • Biomass Energy Resource Center. Assisted national non-profit working with schools, communities, colleges, businesses to install biomass (wood chip) energy heating systems.
  • Beldon Fund, New York, NY. Consultant for the Key State’s program, assisting grantees in Michigan with environmental strategy, strategic planning and capacity building
  • Brico Fund, Milwaukee, WI. Assist Fund with planning and development of a new environmental grant making strategy.
  • City of Madison, WI. Work with restaurants and grocers to explore the interest and barriers to collecting food waste.
  • Graham Martin Foundation. Designed a rain garden grant program for municipalities, nonprofit organizations, schools and residences.
  • Institute for Agriculture, Trade and Policy. Conducted policy research on renewable thermal energy policy for Minnesota.
  • Madison Gas & Electric Utility. Conducted biomass research for utility planning effort.
  • Michael Fields Agricultural Institute. Led strategic planning and fundraising initiative.
  • National Farmers Union. Assisted with policy research and outreach on the Renewable Electricity Standard (RES) in five Midwest states.
  • National Resource Defense Council. Conducted research on agriculture and climate issues.
  • State Environmental Leadership Program. Developed a campaign for a network of nonprofits and foundations working on climate change and energy policy in eight Midwestern states.
  • Union of Concerned Scientists. Conducted a policy assessment for biofuels & renewable energy policies.
  • Wisconsin Farmers Union. Advanced renewable energy policies: low-carbon fuel standard, fuels for schools and communities, feed-in tariff and the biomass crop assistance program.
  • Wisconsin Office of Energy Independence. Assisted state energy office on a USDOE funded project to repower state owned coal-power facilities to biomass.